Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Singapore Airport

Made it to Singapore all good, hardly slept on the plane, not for lack of trying! so loud and they kept turning on the lights to bring around food and duty free things. but flight was good, i didnt get sick... we just have 5 hours to kill here then on to Hanoi!!
More updates coming soon


Riki said...

This is my 2nd account! I bet you I forget this password too.lol. Don't whinge about them brining you FREE food,you've changed already..haha. Go, go spend some DOOONNNNGGGG!

julie(mum) said...

Sounds tough Piet as your hanging around Singapore airport we are all off to our boring jobs. Have a great day Piet and Ewen.
Love mum and Dad

Doug'z! said...

haha riki, your a tool in the world of technology. even more so then me.

pieta mareee brown-this sounds amazingggggggggggg!
hope the next flight isn't or wasn't to painful, how was the planee food?!

get some sleeeep!
miss you cherry blossum pie!

Uncle Dean said...

Piet, what a great idea - i feel like i'm along for the ride - sounds like you should of bought a set of noise cancelling headphones for all these flights (from Reillys Retravision) - had to get a plug in there somewhere

cheers your jealous uncle Dean