Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bus from Dalat to Saigon

Not much to report on today, got the 8 hour bus to Saigon. we had seats right at the back of the bus which was good, meant we had a little extra leg room!
the poor bus conductor guy didnt seem to know what to do with us though as we were the only travellers on the bus and he didnt really speak any english. although he did tell us "Stop 30" when it was time for the lunch stop.
it was at this lunch time i had to succumb to the squat toilet... after managing to avoid these for 19 days of travel. did you know they dont come with instructions!!!

so that was a bit of an experience, luckily we keep hand sanitiser with us at all times! that was pretty much the most exciting part of the day sadly...
we got to saigon and luckily our hotel was just around the corner from where the bus stopped. we dropped off our bags had an early tea (5pm) went to a supermarket for snack supplies and have been watching tv and updating our blogs ever since.
hopefully tomorrow we will get to do a bit more, we plan to sleep in for the first time all week so hopefully there isn't too much street noise, fingers crossed! (which i have learnt is the equivalent of sticking up your rude finger here, probably a good thing to know)


julie(mum) said...

Nicola was describing her experience with squat toilets just last night. Would of been an experience to remember. Hope you get your sleep in.

Mumbo said...

Did you get your sleep in? Finger signs around the world and how they differ eh. Squat looks very clean tho - some are just so yuk.