Monday, November 22, 2010

Glasgow & Manchester

Our last stop in Scotland was Glasgow. We had two main reasons for stopping here for the night. the first was that Ewens Nana grew up in Glasgow so he wanted to see the street she used to live on and the second reason was to go to another comedy show. The same company (The Stand) who runs the amateur comedy night in Edinburgh runs a comedy club in Glasgow so we went there for another night of entertainment. I think i preferred the comedians at Glasgow compared to Edinburgh, they weren't necessarily funnier but over all they were less offensive than the Edinburgh group... apart from the only girl comedian who gave a bad name to girls everywhere. We left early the following morning as the boys were in a hurry to get to Manchester to see the soccer.
The street Ewen's Nana lived on (maybe)
Not much to say about Manchester, we checked into our hostel and while the boys went off to get their soccer tickets i went for a walk around the main part of the city. i went to Primark and got a dress for Christmas (although now i think it might be a bit fancy so rik and darc you better bring your A-game) then we went and got some dinner and later while the boys were at the soccer i watched a lot of Greys Anatomy.
All ready for the soccer


Mumbo said...

Hilarious could picture the behind the scenes comments - *#@@!!! going on.

julie said...

great to see the photos back Piet. Xmas brunch will have be a formal affair so you can wear your special Glasgow dress.

Riki said...

Oh I'll bring it alright.haha

Pietsta said...

i think I've decided it's more of a going out dress, i suppose I'll just HAVE to buy another one now.